Social Media? or a Destructive Mind Game... (EXTRA POST)

Social media is defined in the Oxford dictionary as "websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking". From an outsider looking in, having no background information, this definition makes it seem like social media is a very positive and innovative aspect of technology. In all honesty, it definitely is, 20% of the time though. The other 80%, in my opinion, is addictive and self-deteriorating to all the users.

Social media has many benefits including that it can be a place to build a brand, enhance advertisement, or even connect to large platforms. When social media is used for these reasons, it is most definitely a beneficial thing. 

The other side is an extremely dark place. The media, and social apps, have taken over today's generation in countless negative ways. Right now, the main platforms this generation uses are Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook. Every single one of these applications have been proven to become highly addictive. 

Do me a favor... Next time you are walking around a bunch of people, check out their phone screens, and look what is on their screen. 

I can assure you, they will be on one of these sites. 

The severe problem with this addiction, like every other addiction, it causes and results in harm. All ages in today's generation get caught up in what the media portrays to be "perfect". Perfect, in reality, isn't normal, but the media makes it seem that way. Each and every user tries to be, and live, the life of the users that have a high following and claim to live a flawless lifestyle. This generation is destroying themselves trying to "keep up with the Kardashians". Social media is causing people to develop eating disorders just because somebody they are following is skinny, and they believe they are not thin enough. People are also pissing through their money because they feel as if they need to have the exact same wardrobe as a celebrity they follow. Also, people are destroying their natural beauty and figure by getting plastic surgery to look just like someone they follow who everyone is "obsessed" with. 

None of this is okay, in my opinion. People shouldn't be changing anything about themselves just to live up to the standards of what they see on the media. Because in reality, those "standards" aren't even real. These "standards" are edited, photoshopped, or even straight up lies. 

Personally, I do not have a healthy relationship with social media. I am highly addicted. I am constantly checking each one of those applications countless times throughout the day. I also sometimes catch myself trying to achieve the look or lifestyle of some of the users I am following. I have even gone through a rough, dark past of an eating disorder because I compared my body to others way too harshly. 

Something needs to be done to fix this. Unfortunately, I don't think anything will change anytime soon. These media platforms will exist beyond my own existence. The only way to change this is by doing it independently. What I mean by this is taking a step back on your own. Limiting the time you spend on social media. Deleting some of the applications that get you in your head the most. 

What I found to be most beneficial for myself, is finding something else to do to distract myself when I am bored, rather than scrolling on my phone. I try to go on a walk, workout, talk with my friends, write in my journal, or even clean my room. Prioritizing these activities over wasting time on my phone has helped my mental health immensely.  
