EOTO #1: American Society of Magazine Editors

As soon as we were assigned to research an institution or publication, I instantly wanted to analyze the American Society of Magazine Editors group because I have always heard about it, but never knew the extent of it. 

Overall, ASME is an industry trade group for magazine journalists and editors of magazines published in the United States. It was established in 1963. This group's initial goal of the organization was to defend the First Amendment, protect editorial independence, and support the development of journalism. 

To be eligible for a membership into ASME, you must be employed by a print or digital magazine edited and distributed in the United States, this includes senior editors, art directors, and photography editors. Beyond this, there are four categories of membership being chief editor, editor, retired editor, and ASME Next. The ASME awards for fiction honors print magazines and websites for overall excellence in the publication of fiction. This celebrates the historic link between literary fiction and magazine journalism. 

ASME has also supported the Government Affairs office at MPA – The Association of Magazine Media. MPA heavily advocates on behalf of magazine editors on both the state and federal level in key legislative and regulatory areas, including shield laws, intellectual property, consumer protection, digital privacy, sustainability, postal reform, and advertising. 
