EOTO #4: Gloria Steinem


Gloria Steinem was the first person who came to mind when we were able to choose a journalist to research. She has been an inspiration to not only me, but many others in the world of journalism. She has so many accomplishments that I look up to. Before even deciding to major in broadcast journalism, I knew who Steinem is, and she has inspired me to become something I thought I'd never be able to be. I saw the film about her a few years ago, and it gave me a whole new outlook about this field. Overall, Gloria Steinem is an American feminist journalist. She is also known for being a social political activist. She became nationally recognized as spokeswoman for the American feminist movement starting in the late 1960's.

Her Early Life:

Gloria Steinem was born in Toledo, Ohio on March 25th, 1934. Steinem spent the majority of her childhood traveling in a trailer home with her parents. This lasted until their divorce in 1944. She and her mother moved back to Toledo afterwards. A lot of responsibility was placed on her here because she had to start to take care of her mother because of her chronic depression. This led her to move to Washington DC to be with her sister during her senior year of high school. She then attended Smith College to begin her studies in journalism where she received her bachelor's degree in 1956.

Her Struggling Start:

Steinem's first ever published piece of work was when she was hired in 1963 by The Show Magazine to go undercover to report the working conditions at Hugh Hefner's Playboy Club. After this, she wasn’t taken seriously as a writer, and was nervous to continue her career as a journalist. 

Timeline of Accomplishments:

Starting in 1969, Steinem got associated with the New York Magazine by covering an abortion speak-out. Then in 1971, she assisted in co-founding the Women's Political Caucus. In 1975, she became the first woman to speak at the National Press Club. Following this in 1978, she wrote an essay titled "If Men Could Menstruate" which was liked by many people, helping her presence as a journalist. In 1997, she also co-founded the Women's Action Alliance (WAA) along with the Women's Media Center. In 2018, she traveled the entire world as a spokeswoman about equality issues. Finally, in 2020, “The Glorias", a biographical film, was released in theaters about her.

Awards and Recognition:

Steinem received an Emmy Citation for “Excellence In Television Writing”. She also received “The Ms. Foundation for Women's Gloria Award”, which has now been given out annually, since 1988. This award was named after her and her accomplishments as a writer. She also got a National Magazine Award and a Society of Professional Journalists Lifetime Achievement In Journalism Award. One of her most surprising accomplishments was that she received the Women's Sports Journalism Award as well. Finally, The University of Missouri School of Journalism Award for Distinguished Service In Journalism was presented to her.
