Why Journalism?

It all started for me in 6th grade when my English teacher told me to meet with her about my first ever writing analysis at her after school hours. I was terrified. The first, and only, thought going through my brain was that I did the whole paper completely wrong. As I showed up to her classroom after that last school bell rang, she sat me down with a copy of my paper. Looking at her with such fright in my eyes, she stated “this was the most well written paper I have read in a long time, I wanted to know if I could enter it in the local writing scholars contest”. Instantly, I was relieved and beyond proud of what I wrote. 

Ever since I felt reassurance from my teacher about my strength in writing, it has become a hobby for me. Instead of watching TV shows after school days, I began to journal. Whenever there was a writing prompt at school, I would go above and beyond and write extra. I fell in love with writing.

As I entered High School, I took all AP and Honor writing and english classes. Grammar became a pet peeve of mine, and the English subject took over my academic strengths. Math, Science, and Social Studies sounded foreign to me, where English writing and grammar gave me this feeling of enjoyment and comfort. 

All of my life, I was a competitive dancer. I filmed on a national TV show, Dance Moms, and trained in New York City with the Radio City Rockettes. I loved talking with people, and more importantly being in front of the camera. Towards my later High School years, it was clear to me that I needed to focus on developing a career path. I knew I couldn't let dance become my entire future, so I instantly knew I wanted to take a career in writing, but I just couldn't give up my love of the camera and entertainment industry. So, I took time to find what I believed was right for me, and right away, being a broadcast journalism major was what was perfect for me. Writing my own stories and reports and being able to report them on live television feels like it is the job made for me. 

My senior year of high school, I wrote and reported the morning news, and became the face of the morning show at my school. I applied to High Point University as a Media Fellows Member, so that I could expand my knowledge on this field of study even more. My love and passion for writing has only expanded, and I know it will only grow more and more each and every day and eventually land me my dream job.
